Monday, 2 October 2017

October Starts

October is here! There are mushrooms popping up all around us.

Blokey went back to work this week, so we decided to get one more day out with him visiting the not so Secret Bunker. There is so much to see in there and they let you visit as many times as you like in a year with your ticket.

Sam enjoyed hunting for all the mice and rats hidden about the bunker.

There was so much equiptment and information.

Lots of interesting lights and set ups.

And some hilarious moustaches on the dummies.

We spent along time looking at the nuclear sub section.
The deconstructed missile raised many questions.


There were huge arrays of control panels.

Old computers, which the boys found hilarious.

And we enjoyed talking about the many exhibits and flicking switches on and off.

So much going on in the BT room.

And an old switchboard, like the one Nanny used to use.

There were lots of hands on items.

Including a nuclear attack alert button, complete with sirens and flashing lights. Owen needed to test this one ...quite a few times.

We talked about Hiroshima and Nagasaki and looked at the history of before and after the explosion.

And enjoyed some of the humourous signs.

Also nosed around the unusual vehicles outside.

We went for lunch afterwards and I needed a lie down when we got home. Sam played with his friends at the park and Owen played and chilled with his Dad.

The next day Blokey was back at work. The children now need to get back into a routine so maths and science were in place before a trip to the GP to collect our medication. We learnt about the invention of camera and Mr Fox Talbot.
Afterwards we did chores and in the afternoon our friends came over to play. In the evening the children attended their jujitsu lesson.

I was expecting a meltdown from Owen yesterday but it all blew up the following day when I thought I had sorted it all out...typical, that will teach me to think I have this thing cracked.

Sam worked hard at his maths, plotting coordinates and substitution/algebra. 

Eventually, after ranting at me from a corner for a while, Owen fed his pet, finished his drink. He still needs all his liquids monitoring or he gets dehydrated, he does not have signals for thirst like most people. 

Once he'd calmed the heck down, we worked on algebra and French.

Following this we went for our flu jabs and by the time we came out I was shattered. Owen was still really worked up, so I decided to cancel our plans for the afternoon to concentrate on keeping things as calm as I could.

The following day I got up dreading how it would go. Blokey decided I needed to go running, so got both boys showered and sorted before he left for work at 7am. I was very impressed...Owen,  not so much. However, it gave him less time to get anxious and was far less stressful for everyone.

Meanwhile, I enjoyed a run to destress myself. It was blowing a gale but I wrapped up and had a good session of 4km.

The children were all settled by the time I had had a shower and both cracked on with maths lessons.

Owen and I also worked on order of operations, which seems to be really making sense to him at a last. Then we worked on converting measurements, we both found that quite a challenge.

Sam played more word soup.

Sam hadn't seen the Genius episode about Benz so we all watched that with him.

Followed by the episode about Al-Jazari:

Whilst I tidied they also watched a documentary about risk factors:

When our activities were complete and pets sorted out, the children helped me change their beds and tidied their rooms. Sam then went off to work on his PC and Owen played online with his home ed friend. Sam also played at the park.

Friday is public swim ..despite all the adults resenting me taking the children. So swimming we went and we took some direct verbal for being there. The boys did well but we left early after being hassled and made to feel uncomfortable. I spoke to the manager about it later...its was awful TBH. However, we have a free swimming session and next time I will name and shame the perps to the staff.

The children played with friends online and at the park, they also started weight training with their Dad. Owen mentioned he would like to find out more about being a sound technician, so we emailed the local theatre.

The weekend involved playing out, Sam cutting his head on a stick and watching TV playing games. We also went shopping and visited friends.

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