Monday, 23 October 2017

Half Term

The smell of pain au chocolate brought Sam to the kitchen. After which we watched Seasonal Forests with Owen, from the Planet Earth series.

Sam and I learnt about Cities of the world using Brain Box

Maths, simplifying rates. There were three or four processes to these equations, so Sam got in a muddle. I wrote it out for him to help but I am not convinced he's got it yet.

Owen watched some more Crash Course documentaries. Today he learnt about Hacking, World War Two, Diseases ( how they are spread and where they come from) and Money and Debt. He found the disease episode most interesting.

He then played snakes and ladders with me..and was a sore loser lol. The dice were rigged apparently...even the second dice was rigged in my favour apparently.

He then worked on Order of operations using Conquer Maths.

Sam was up at 5am *yawn*

He watched another of the Planet Earth Series..this one was the Deep Sea.

We then spent some time figuring out Profits and Losses. That bit was ok, but we struggled more with finding the percentages. After some false starts we managed to work it out and both felt very accomplished.

Checking his answers.

And not a shabby result at the end either.

Owen then arrived and we worked on metric conversions.

We got to a shaky start, mainly because Owen refused to focus and used PDA behaviours to change the subject constantly.

When he finally got to work he did really well. I was feeling pretty exasperated by then.

There was more messing/PDA behaviours and then we looked at some Crash Courses. Firstly US War History #11

Then on the Bush Obama era and financial credit freeze.

I had a doctors appointment so after that Owen learnt about the American civil war.

Sam learnt about Tidal Seas.

We then played Timeline which really sparks some questions and research as we go along.

Sam spends a lot of time outside today because it's beautiful and sunny. He makes a new friend and introduces them to bird watching, taking some meal worms with him, despite being rather grossed out by how they look. He rings me periodically to tell me what they have spotted. So far he's seen Green finches, a Bull Finch and a Robin whom he is trying to tame.

I can't help but feel sad that Owen doesn't want to play out doors at all at the moment. He's finding face to face interaction with his peers too hard and is very anxious about the local children who play in the road. I do however manage to coax him out for a walk later and we even find his lost drone ( from July) we suspect Storm Ophelia dislodged it. It lights up but we can't find the remote, so I try to source another one for him.

I contacted a guy called Dave about the Drone. Dave went the extra mile! Not only did he source the part and a blade guard, the then sends it free of charge. How kind is that? We love Dave, Dave will be getting a very nice review!

The weekend was spent playing outside, planting hedging, running and watching films/eating some new foods ( big deal) . New foods included, Lamb shank and beef chow mien.

We also popped into town and went to the Dick and Dom Show. Despite the noise, the children really joined in with the spirit of it all and had a ball.

We watched some Sherlock Holmes, tidied rooms and read books too.

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