It was a very enjoyable 10km race and rained the whole time.
Meanwhile, Sam emerged, buzzing like a fridge and everything ground to a halt whilst I sorted out the bickering. After *some time* I got Sam sat with food and meds and managed to settle him to Planet Earth - Ice Worlds. He thoroughly enjoys these types of Documentaries.
When he was fed, watered and chilled out, I worked through some maths with him. Today he chose positive and negative numbers.
We started with Planet Earth, the Great Plains whilst the boys ate their breakfast.
We were back to our routines on Tuesday with Owen rising early for his shower and to look after his giant snail. He then watched 6 episodes of Crash Course. He's working his way through the history of games and gaming currently.
He then worked on Order of Operations and Algebra.
The first part went well, then he got a bit muddled on the harder parts....mainly because he had insisted on not watching the lesson all the way through and ignored my advice on the order of work.
I just sat back and let him get on with it as it was obviously 'one of THOSE days'.
Then Owen chose some more from the Crash Course series on the History of Gaming. We then worked on our maths.
Sam can work alone most of the time but Owen still needs much support or he can't stay focused.
Sam worked through his whilst milling around.
We then watched the Chris Packham documentary about his life with Aspergers. The boys were facinated and horrified by some of the approaches to 'cure' ASD in the USA, just as Chris himself was.
We needed to go into town in the afternoon as I had an appointment. Sam went to the park and Owen researched programmes relating sound engineering.
On Thursday we had an appointment with the hygienist so started the day with some Natural History. The children chose Planet Earth Shallow Seas.
Owen enjoyed playing with Osmo Maths using negative and positive number equations.
We also looked at the new Coding app that Osmo have brought out, but are unsure whether the we would use it much, so have decided to think about it and not buy the equiptment just yet. Owen then watched some Crash Course Lessons on Philosophy, because 'it sounded interesting'.
Sam wanted to work on Osmo numbers too, so he did positive and negative numbers too.
Sam then worked on The Newton app, flexing his thinking skills and with problem solving physics.
Owen is taking a keen interest in being a sound engineer. He's got a contact he been emailing and looking at apps to do some mixing. He played around for hours with this one.
Friday we met up with friends and had a trip to Waterworld. It was very busy and noisy, but despite this the children did really well and had a ball.
The weekend involved playing with friends at the park and online, sorting out our clothes, visiting the charity shop and trying new foods.....some f which went down better than others.
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