Sam decided he wanted to go on a walking adventure with me. We plotted a route together.
It's school half term, so I expect things will be hit and miss. I like to give the children the opportunity to catch up with their local friends. We mainly stick to our routines to help with stress levels. In the morning we read from Nurse Matilda and Sam practices his writing.
Owen chose to do some Speeke Spanish whilst I worked with Sam. Neither boy is enjoying the Spanish anymore, so I think I will cancel it.
Next Owen and I work on his maths.
As does Sam.
I take them up to the park at the other side of the village, they catch up with their friends and then all come back to our house to play.
In the evening we take the boys to their asthma review. Owen is managing well off all his medications now. Sam is remaining stable on his, so it was an easy consultation. Afterwards we take them for their jujitsu lesson. We put two very tired and slightly weepy boys to bed later on.
It's a beautiful day on Wednesday, so I arrange to meet up with some of our home ed friends.
In the morning Sam and Owen work on their maths. We look at Prime and Composite numbers.
Then do some more work based in the book Nurse Matilda.
We meet our home ed friends at the park..afterwards the boys are keen to have their local friends round to work in their animation project.
Next morning it's maths again.
Then the children invite their friends round for the rest of the day. Some times they lay at the park, others they work at our house in their animations.
On Saturday Sam and I walk and plan routes using OS maps.
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