Owen started to get tired after about an hour but Sam was still flipping out.
We all practiced jumping off heights again...Owen worked on keeping his legs straight on landing and finally got the hang of it.
In the afternoon the children watched a film with Blokey ( who's back is playing up again) and I cooked a roast dinner and caught up on chores.
The next day I went for a walk early on. Sam didn't join me because he is catching up on his sleep. I spoke to his consultant yesterday and we are starting him back on his morning meds today, leaving off the afternoon ones and seeing if he sleeps ok at night. Sam is very happy to be back on his meds, as he was worried he wouldn't be able to do his school work as well. He certainly has been having huge issues with concentration and fidgeting again.
After consulting my home ed companions it was explained that BODMAS is the equivalent in the UK..however we are still doing it right, so I am happy to carry on.
He managed to work alone on this part whilst I made breakfast for Owen. He couldn't have done any of this work yesterday without his medication. He, quite rightly, felt inordinately pleased with himself.
Sam then goes off for a shower and after that he watches an episode of Bill Nye's science show. He then disappears to work on his animation project. This project has given him many skills and one I have particularly noticed, is his willingness to problem solve, something he has always had low confidence in trying previously. It's was defffinately a skill he transferred to his maths.
Whilst eating his breakfast, Owen worked on RM Maths. He had been watching some Bill Nye science programmes whilst Sam and I were busy.
He mastered some skills again today, so hoping he will be sorted out on it all soon.
We then looked at the Ginger Pye passage and Owen did well with his verbal comprehension. His writing is coming along but as usual he tries to rush ahead and gets frustrated when he makes mistakes. In his head, he should be writing cursive fluently by now...his dyspraxic hands have other ideas.
I am really pleased with his progress, but as usual, he begs to differ and puts himself down too much.
He really enjoyed his maths today and afterwards we looked at a project on Volcanoes, using Mystery Science.
As Owen was still reading in bed, Sam and I practiced our Spanish. Owen came in and finished off the lesson with us. He then declared he was ravenous , so I cooked his breakfast.
Owen asked if we could start Conquer Maths today, he's heartily sick of RM Maths now and it seems a good time to introduce him to a different, older focused curriculum. He initially has resistance to watching the tutorials...then realises he doesn't know how to do the maths without learning via the lessons and watches the tutorial and enjoys what he's chosen.
Next he chooses to look at whether he could out run a dinosaur. I am chuckling because the boys have chosen the same lessons at different times. Sam did this one previously.
I am up early the next day and get out for a walk before Blokey goes to work.
Sam does some more work on place values and order of operation.
Then we look at some more Ginger Pye and Sam struggles to concentrate on his writing, so self corrects his mistakes.
Then he looks at Mystery Science and explores different meats rials and their possible uses.
In the afternoon they play with friends and go to the park.
The next day Owen watches some Bill Nye on Designer Babies.
Sam decided to have a rare hair cut, so I know everything else will need to be low key. He finds hair cuts pretty traumatic!
He starts off with some Conquer Maths and works through on his own. I cut his hair after this and then he goes to look at some things he's interested in an online sale. We have a busy day tomorrow, so I can't push anything.
Owen works on the first part of the number system.
We also look at some more Mystery Science.
Saturday we had a wedding to attend up in Lancashire.
It was a noisy affair, with lots of new faces, so we needed to take the boys off for quiet time on a couple of occasions. The children enjoyed the reception and hearing Grandad do a speech.
We left the party before the music came on, drove back home and put two very tired boys to bed late.
The next day, Sam and I go for a long walk.
The boys have a pretty relaxed Sunday playing both online and outside at the part with friends. In the evening we catch up with the latest Dr Who episode before bedtime.
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