Monday, 27 March 2017

New things and old things.

The boys are working well on the structured maths programme we have been using. As both children have started to take more interest in English, writing and are asking about grammar, I decided to buy a couple structured curriculums. The home ed community is always a good place to start asking and I have friends who are already using the programmes I was interested brains were picked.

We started using the Well Trained Mind Writing with Ease today and they got on really well so far.

Maths was also completed and some writing practice. I'm bought some of those exercise books with the added line and it's helping them with letter placement and formation.

We then tried our Speekee Spanish. We all had a good time and shouted Spanish at the UPS driver when he came....despite being from Stoke ( well it begins with 'S') he seemed to get into the spirit of it.

Today our friends are visiting, so we work on maths before they arrive.

Owen is starting to make more sense of algebra.

Sam is figuring out common factors, which is proving a bit tricky, depending on how they ask the question.

Our friends arrive and the Sam continues to show his mate how to learn chess. He's desperate for more people to play with so is teaching anyone who shows the slightest interest. They go on to play other board games and I enjoy a chat and tea with my friend.

Both boys are tired once their friends leave. Sam changes into his PJs and says he really doesn't feel up to jujitsu. His asthma is still causing him a bit of bother and he is tiring easily. Owen is stressing about going to jujitsu on his own, so I let their tutor know they won't be attending. 

Sam struggles to sleep again and is very tired the next morning. He is also a little upset that he has finished his Priamary school maths curriculum. I explain its a big accomplishment and shows how hard he's worked. Even so he feels sad, mainly because it means trying something new and that scares him.

Whilst Owen showers, Sam and I work on his writing and grammar.

This is both boys work today. It's hard to get them to listen to the instructions initially. Every attempt is met with 'I KNOW!' . So when I point out that some of what they did was incorrect, they shout at me. Eventually they do listen and are surprised at how much better their work looks. *give me strength*.

Owen then works on his maths.

Finally we all do the next lesson with Speekee Spanish. I am surprised that we are already picking up a few phrases..though I doubt we could spell the worlds yet. The children are pretending very hard that they don't like it, but gleefully laugh along with the songs and practice phrases on each other.

Sam wanted to redo some of the maths work because he wasn't confident on certain aspects of it. So I set it up so we could practice together.

Owen worked well on his maths, despite throwing a hissy fit over a bacon sarnie..

We worked on our grammar and writing skills next.

Then finished this weeks work in Speekee Spanish .

Just getting Owen organise to get the essentials done in a morning is still an ongoing battle. He's progressing but the need to be in control of everything and everyone is very hard get round. I have tried let him work it out for himself but he is so spectacularly unable to organise his time, he gets frustrated and meltsdown anyway. I feel I can't win and it's exhausting.

The next day Blokey is on his rota day off. We have arranged to take our lovely dog to the vets. Sadly she is deteriorating and we aren't expecting good news. After talking to the vet, we explain to the children about the decisions we have made. Owen goes in to denial, then there are a few tears and he agrees we made the right decision not to intervene surgically. Sam is so overloaded I can only tell him the bare facts and we agree not to mention it to him again unless he asks. She's terminally ill and we are making her comfortable ( thankfully she isn't in pain) at home for as long as it's kind to do so. It's a heart breaking decision but as the vet pointed out, she lived well past her expected age. We are all going to struggle terribly when she goes.

I have to sneak off for a cry.

On our return, no one feels like doing much and our moods are somber. We practice some comprehension and a little writing before retreating to our respective corners of the house. 

Saturday we go into town to look round the shops. Owen wants to look for second hand CDs so we stop at the charity shop and he manages to find 2 he likes. Sam is still under the weather and when we get him home, has a rest after his lunch. 

Later both boys play with friends. Owen online with his home ed buddy and Sam goes out on his bike to the park with his friends. 
The following day is spent eating new foods, playing outside and watching films.

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