Tuesday, 4 April 2017

National trust, Maths, Nouns

Monday we visited the lovely Kedlestone Hall and it's grounds.

We loved this car.

Lovely grounds and a good sunny day.

The children thought this was the 'Womping Willow'.

This is the middle wing.

The first floor entrance hall with grand alabaster columns and marble floors.  We all went 'wow' as we walked in.

The menfolk loved this 'Mexican wave' painting.

Sam was very interested in the beautiful, Ivory chess set.

The domed ceiling was awesome but Owen felt it would be enchanced greatly by a glitter ball.

A wind up telephone. ' that's fab!'

Lots if Ivory, tusks and dead animals...they weren't impressed.

Sam loved the weapons and named a lot of them.

Practicing on the instruments.

Reading the graves in the old church. 

Then lots if playing in the hollow willow tree.

The boys admiring the view from the Adam bridge.

Blokey watching the swans.

A quiet moment for Owen, where he just took in the scenery.

The next day being Tuesday, meant Owen got up in a foul mood. It's a theme, but I was ready this week. I just walked away and after a while he decided sulking was boring and got on with his English and maths. He was a much calmer boy and whilst he was 'contemplating his navel' , I got on with outstanding jobs until he was ready to talk to me. 

Sam and I did some algebra and looked at nouns and he practiced his writing and comprehension.

In the evening the boys both had a great time at jujitsu, especially as it was 'weapon' day and Sensai lent them his special nunchucks.

In the morning Sam got up early with me and did a 3km run. He then chilled out with his breakfast and Batman cartoons. When I was ready we took a look at the free trial of Conquer Maths. At this point Owen joined us. Both boys were impressed with the lessons and how they were presented on Conquer Maths, so I will sign them up. Owen has nearly finished his RM curriculum too, so they can both join Conquer for Key Stage 3 onwards. 

Sam working on percentages.

Owen ate his breakfast and we all worked on our Spanish together. They are picking it up quite quickly and enjoying Speekee. They had a really good laugh about the phrases they could sing to Blokey in the car.

Owen in a good mood, pulling faces at me as we learn.

Speekee Spanish

Owen then worked on RM Maths

He found it loaded better on the PC ( despite me telling him this 100's over the last two years *snort*) and said he preferred it this way.

He then did a bit of 'Vogueing'

Sam did three lessons on Conquer Maths and Owen continued on with RM Easimaths.

Next we did more lessons on nouns.

We identified different types of nouns and looked a plural nouns ending in 'S'.

In the afternoon our friends came over. The children played at the park and had a lovely time whilst the adults caught up and drank coffee.

In the evening I got bored and did some gorilla googling.

Next morning the children had a laugh at my antics. They were tired, so Owen worked on his maths.

Sam did the same using Conquer Maths..he's getting on well with it.

We then sang Spanish songs and reinforced the words and phrases we had been introduced to this week.

As it was sunny and I had a parcel to post, we cycled up to the post office. Sam's anxiety was high but we managed it. Owen was feeling a bit tetchy so I let them have free play the rest of the day, so they could relaxed and destress. They always learn stuff doing this anyway, it's just less formalised. Later they played with their friends at the park.

In the morning Blokey drove us to Stafford for our acupuncture treatment. His back is better and my shoulder and neck are easing off too. Afterwards Owen had a hair cut at a Turkish barbers..that was interesting. Then we looked around the market square and Owen tried some street food. He really enjoyed his chicken chorizo, lettuce and onion wrap...he even asked for chilli sauce. Despite him photographed doing the 'sniff test'...he did like it honest!

I managed to grab a couple of pairs of jeans in charity shop *bonus*. 

Back at home the boys played out with their friends whilst we worked in the garden. They had requested a BBQ, so we enjoyed that in the garden later.

On Sunday it was gloriously sunny again. The boys spent all day out of the house. They were either at the park or at friends houses and rushed in for food, then back out again. Both caught the sun and have pink noses. 

I went for a lovely long walk around the village and took some photos. Before bed we all sat and watched a film together.

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