We started with some maths today..Owen first.
The next day I suggested we get out into the woods. After some deep thinking, the boys made me pack a spare set of clothes, swim trunks, food, drinks and full face snorkelling gear. They were not dissuaded buy the fact we would be going home for lunch, that the stream is only shallow or that it's 10 mins drive from our house. I had a massive back pack and a hip bag...so resembled Laura Croft, but less glamorous and more hot and sweaty.
Here they are looking disappointed that the stream isn't a raging torrent....
I hope I don't have a terrible accident...we can only guess what the emergency services would think looking through my heaving back pack...
We did some walking and balancing.
...had a little paddle ..
It was still very hot!
Back home the boys worked on their own projects before having friends round to play. After dinner they went to their jujitsu class. I would like to think they didn't bicker the whole time..but apparently they did. Sam has been worried about a display he's taking part in this weekend. I emailed Sensei and made sure Sam got to class early so they could have a chat. Sensei worked his magic, and Sam is happy to take part at the weekend now.
Sam through one of his all nighters, possibly because it was so hot. He had already had something to eat when I came down at 6am, so we went for a walk before Blokey went to work. Owen slept in.
Counting bees in the poppies.
We get home and I show him some caterpillars in our garden. Neither of us know what they are and we are very amused by their Mohawks , so we spend time identifying them.
Sam works on his fractions next.
Then he goes off to do more to his animation project.
Owen works on evquivalent fractions whilst he eats his boiled egg.
Then we do a lesson from Mystery Science about how plants can be changed due to careful breeding and selection.
Next I went to sort Sam's room out. It's becoming more and more impractical to use, as his things are scattered far and wide. He's also camped on the floor to sleep at the moment and I can hardly get through the door. Although he's asked me to clean his room, he gets more and more upset when I touch his things. It takes me over two hours to carefully guide him through the process of tidying it up. Every thing gets a good wipe over and I group all like items together so they are easier for him to find. He's been getting upset about not being able to find things, so hopefully this will help. There is now floor space for when his friends come over and the whole room feels calmer and organised. Despite his earlier wobbles, and keeping a beady eye on everything I touched, he's actually quite happy with how it feels now. We managed to throw some empty boxes away ( he wasn't relinquishing them willingly at first) but when I showed him what I had in mind he agreed.
This sent Owen in to a frenzy of tidying his own room before I even got to it. He threw a few bits out, stacked his books and all I really needed to do was give everything a good wipe over. He doesn't hoard as much as Sam and doesn't get sentimental over things like paper bags etc, so it's a bit easier with him.
Later the children go to play at the park and when the get too hot, pitch up at home with their mates and play in their bedrooms until dinner is ready.
This morning Owen is up first and watches some Crash Course lessons whilst eating his breakfast, then he feeds and cleans his giant snail.
Sam joins us, then he decides to work on Roman numerals and fractions.
The children watched a lot of the Crash Course series. They are pitched just right for short attention spans, so they happily watch a lot of these.
The next day we had a hellish journey up the M6 to Manchester. We sat at a stand still for over and hour.
Blokey took the boys to the Natural History Museum and I had my hair cut.
We then had a walk round the city centre and decided to try a Brazillian restaurant. You help yourself to the extensive buffet of salads and nibbles first.
For dessert, we took the boys to the French patisserie a few streets away. Over whelmed by the choice, Owen chose a packet of crisps. Sam had a huge chocolate cake but decided to eat it when we got home later, as he was still full from his lunch.
The next day the boys jujitsu club were doing at display at the summer fete of their last school. Sam was very nervous. I wasn't sure if he would want to go and was a tad apprehensive myself at the thought of seeing people who saw the children at their most vulnerable time.
We were all fine and I talked to some of the parents I used to know. Not that anyone recognised me at all, I am so different to 5 years ago and the children's and my confidence has grown immensely. Despite worrying previously I found it a nice life affirming experience.
The next day was spent with T he boys playing with their local friends both at our house and at the park. Blokey and I worked on the camper van as we are hoping to go away again soon.
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