Sam is practicing his time telling skills
I overslept today..unheard of. Sam woke me up, he was bouncing off the walls. Owen and I had breakfast, Blokey had fed and watered Sam the man before he left for work. After breakfast we tried a new maths game called Mathsblaster. The boys enjoyed it.
Then we made a self watering planting system. Sam very bravely used the scissors to cut his bottle.
Whilst we did this Owen read and ate some oatcakes.
Sam's spinach seeds all planted up and ready to go.
Sam set up the Wii and started his exercises whilst Owen and I did some maths.
He's getting to grips with multiplication, fractions and division better now.
After maths Owen made his self watering system.
Our spinach seeds were all planted and placed in the window to grow. If you want to have a try at this , here's the link:
As I tidied up Sam was finishing his exercises, he's doing his yoga here.
And strength training....the boy loves to exercise !
Next I worked alongside Owen..we did a step class. He finds the movement changes tricky, so me doing it with him helps him follow the moves.
He then did the plank and some ski jumping and balance games.
Here he is working on his balancing.
We played Wildcraft afterwards when Blokey came home from work.
After that Owen and I did some modelling with fimo. Owen lacked confidence to start with but I encouraged him and he really got into it.
I baked his finished Minion and he placed it in one of his mini gardens.
Next we all did yoga and some step a few core strength exercises. The boys played together in the afternoon, then went off to their jujitsu class.
I had planned on getting some meal planning done but life got in the way and now I have a few extra problems to sort out. So frustrating but needs must. The constant juggling of medications, illness and generally trying to run a household can feel overwhelming at times like today..but I have been here before and somehow everything gets done. Deep breaths..onwards and upwards.
This morning we worked on more Mathsblaster.
Then did some strength and coordination work.
He's a blur!
He was desperate to improve enough to get the highest score and beat Blokey off the leader board.
He was very pleased to achieve this..
Then back home for something to eat and a game of UNO with Dad before bedtime.
We also did some yoga and I worked with Sam trying to fix an issue with his PC.
After lunch I took the children to their swimming lesson...Erm...the journey there and home was interesting..fortunately the lesson itself went really well.
We have a new game, Interlock, so the boys got started. It's harder than it looks but they got to grips with it quicker than me. It went very quiet whilst they worked out some of the combinations.
You have to make shapes without having any of the holes or plugs showing .
We enjoyed watching Science vs Chef.
Owen in particular was glued to it.
Then we went for a trampolining session at Flipout.
Saturday I wasn't well, so it was a quiet day at home doing our own things, Sam continue to film videos, Blokey did jobs and Owen played his new game.
We woke to a sunny day, after doing some cooking and meal planning we decided to head off to the fair. Blokey had seen it on his way home, so we decided to investigate. The boys love fairs, so were eager to get there and spend our money.
They won't go on the small rides anymore...which I find rather terrifying. I wish I could join them on the rides, as I used to be fearless myself. Sadly since I developed my neurological illness I cannot go on anything remotely spinny. This grieves me as I loved rides and spent many years terrifying my own mother.
We give them a budget and work out how much is left as we go along. Owen also decided to spend some of his pocket money on a stall and won a prize.
I LOVE the dodgem cars, so the boys always encourage me to drive . Blokey has Owen and Sam comes in with me..I think they enjoy me laughing raucously more that the bumping. I howl with laughter as I race round. Sam says 'you are really good at driving these cars mum ' .
As the day draws to a close I reflect on how our activities pan out. It looks very different to a school curriculum. Some weeks we do nothing but maths or reading..this can happen for weeks on end. Then suddenly it's all about going out and sports, another time it's science and history etc. Home education is very flexible and means if something grabs the boys attention, we focus fully on that until they feel they want to move on. It also means we can take breaks when it is most useful to them, when they need it and they can relax. This enables the children to be ready and eager to learn at their own pace and balances out the extreme anxiety which they are learning to regulate.
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