Monday, 4 April 2016

Decorating, terrarium making,Oatcakes and Jelly.

We took a drive out to choose some paint to finish the decorating in the kitchen. As I was very tired, Blokey and the boys suggested a pub lunch at the Royal Oak. Blokey also suggested we look at their function room, so we could decide if it was suitable for our wedding reception. It looked pretty promising and we asked the landlord to send us some details. After that we played cards and ordered some food.

Back home the boys busied themselves with their own activities whilst Blokey and I painted the kitchen. We managed to finish it and get everything put back just before the children got super hungry. I dispensed cheese rolls, fruit and drinks , so they could eat and watch SpongeBob. 

The next day we unpacked the items for a new activity...the bubble wrap packaging causes much hilarity as usual...never gets old apparently.

Look at our nicely painted walls....

Whilst Owen was reading his new library books, Sam and I put together our terrariums...he wanted a photo of him thinking about how to do it .

I got the idea from here:

'I have have a massive range of expressions Mum'

Sam carefully chose where he wanted his sea glass, crystals and moss to go, before arranging his little Tillandsia plant. We read the leaflet about where and how the plants normally grow. We also found out about the  reindeer moss we used to decorate our jars with.

Finally we gave the air plant a spray of food and Sam spent time finding the perfect spot to put it in his room. 
'I am carrying it very carefully up the its a precious diamond'.

Sam's finished jar.

This one was mine

It was Owens turn to have fun with the bubble wrap now...

This counts as sensory therapy too....just don't tell them!

And test its static electricity properties...

He then looked at the terrarium activity and chose the items he wanted to include in his jar.

He was very pleased the plants we found origonate from Mexico...'I like Mexico Mum, so that's really good!'
We will gloss over the fact that his current knowledge of Mexico focus's on building tacos and tortilla wraps....I am pleased he's broadening his knowledge base from food, to fawna and flora.

Both boys really enjoyed this activity and have asked to do some more..'maybe with bowls this time, Mum?'. It maybe worth visiting the charity shop to see if we can get different containers for their next ones.

After this Owen asked to look at Pinterest and got very excited at the ideas I had saved for clay modeling. I promise I will order some supplies so we can have a try. He thinks it maybe fun to add some Hama bead and Fimo creations to terrariums in the future too.

The boys really enjoy Jujitsu and come home more giddy than normal ( hard to imagine I know ). There were two new children at class and they had really enjoyed working with them. We chat and giggle about it as I tuck them in for the night. They are definitely recovering from their bout of horrible anxiety over Easter. I am relieved they seem to be able to recover and hope it means we are learning how to help them better too.

I don't sleep well again,  so I have to cancel our afternoon plans so I can rest. The boys and I do a bit of research on the iPad.  Mainly looking and talking about any projects they may like to do in future. 

Whilst Owen helps Sam with some Minecraft conundrums, I make some gf baguettes, Owen approves.

We then go out to the charity shop. The boys want to look for more glass bowls etc, to make more mini gardens with. They are lovingly tending their current ones. 

Here are some of the treasures they decided to bring home...they are now excitedly awaiting their pebbles and plants to arrive.

I make some calendula balm for our itchy skin 

The boys also do some more reading of their library books and look up info about Minecraft related stuff. I am pleased to see that they are incredibly happy again when I go to say goodnight. I just hope I can sleep tonight but I just can't seem to shake this virus off. 

I hear giggling upstairs the next morning whilst I am cleaning..then it goes quiet. On further investigation I find both boys have built a 'nest' in Owens room and are reading a book together *heartmelts*. They seem very settled and happy, so I leave them to it and carry on with my chores. It means a late breakfast and afterwards Sam and I do Wii fit.

He's so good at all the yoga and muscle exercises.

Sam doing the plank brilliantly here.

The only thing I don't show myself up on is the step class. Sam has more trouble with this because of the bilateral element to it. He's improving though and enjoys taking part.

Owen, sits and comments on our progress whilst he talks to his friend on Skype....for someone refusing to join in, he has a lot of 'constructive criticism'  to dispense.

After lunch we head off for swimming lessons. I mistimed leaving the house, so we end up rushing at the last second. This in turn throws Owen and it takes a good 15 mins for him to settle properly into his class. He tried really hard but his processing capacity is less than normal...I vow to be more careful next week.

Despite this they have a good session, Sam is flying throught the water now with front crawl. Owen is having major issues with coordination and executive functioning, so getting his body to do what he wants it to, when he wants it to, proves exhausting. He doesn't give up though and Rob is skilled at breaking it into parts for him and building movements in. I feel a bit sad for Owen whilst I watch. I do feel he would benefit from some proper OT sessions or physio. I know we would have a fight for funding and there's always the chance he wouldn't want to do it too....I will ponder on this more later.

Back home we have sandwiches and someone comes over to look at our old car. They like it so the sale is completed and they will collect it at the weekend. That's another job out of the way...I feel relieved.

After 4 hours broken sleep I am greeted by a very jolly, chatty Sam at 6:30 am. After stressing the importance of letting his tired, wheezy mother have some coffee and a slice of toast, he launches into the day. He's fuelled on nitrous ...I am not. He works on his daily science challenge from his iPad , then we set up a joint activity. We are making fruit jelly sweets with agar. 

After following the instructions and talking Sam through safely using a spoon in a pan, we pour them into Star Wars themed moulds. He's terrified of the Hob, but I managed to get him to overcome a bit of his anxiety and he takes turns are stirring the mixture. I am not convinced we will get them out of the moulds intact but we can try .

They worked.

Owen and I make oatcakes..and a smoothie..he then refuses to try either. He will eat the oatcakes later but the smoothy is all mine!

Meanwhile Owen is delighted that our craft supplies arrive in the post.

He gets busy on his mini gardens straight away, he loves this activity. He finds some fossilsized Sharks teeth and slate chippings to use too.

Sam comes to join us and loves the feel of the glass 'gravel'.

Sam's two mini gardens. He uses his favourite heart shaped pebble ..he made me carry it back from a day out in the woods last year.

Owens gardens, complete with sharks teeth and a special pebble he collected.

My work.

Another of Owens.

In the afternoon, one of the local children call round for Sam and he goes out to play. Owen is not interested in joining them as he wants to talk and play with his friend online.

Saturday is taken up with sorting the our old car our ready for collection and getting some DIY supplies. Back home , whilst Blokey and I are working , the children play together. The day flies past and soon the car buyer is here and we wave goodbye to the Ford. As its late we decide to order a Chinese meal, the boys do really well with their choices. Spicy crispy chicken for Owen and chicken with plum sauce for Sam.

Sam and I enjoy a game of Wildcraft together 

Whilst I went on my oxygen , Sam and Blokey did Wii sports. I then cooked dinner. The menfolk watched so Xmen as I clean up, then we played some different variations of MiCube.

Quite a tall one this.....

Next we played our history game

Deep concentration ......

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