Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Learning works, Remembrance Day, the fair and a trip to Nanny and Grandads

We attended the Into Film Festival today and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sam did his usual bombing around up and down, but I managed to settle him with the aide of a blanket. He struggled with the amount of noise and we talked about ear defenders in the future. I ordered a pair for him..but it's possible he won't wear them lol.

Owen went on learning works and did some engineering on Cargo Bridge...'do you think this one with hold mum?'

Sam read his book for a while , then had a crack at engineering himself.

They then played this

Which is done so energetically, it counts as PE amongst other things.

They were blurs.

They also looked at this game...as they tell me..'it's balancing, planning and time management skills'..that's me told.

We then play Uno and snap...followed by self directed play after lunch ( Minecraft with friends...is there anything else) .

We tied tacos for our evening meal...the boys weren't keen on the spicy mince but enjoyed the chicken strips I had done ( just in case), so at least they were all set up for their jujitsu lesson.

It's Remeberance Day, we have some literature from the British Legion to look at. The whole thing stirs up many, many questions about war. Good a valid questions, some I can't answer fully and i push my personal feelings aside to try and give fair responses so the boys can make their own decisions. 

We watch a documentary on the Battle of the Somme and look at more modern day conflicts and how soldiers are affected by it. Sobering stuff and the boys cope admirably with the subject matter. I have had this literature for some time now, but didn't feel they were quite ready before...especially Sam, who takes after his mum in the emotional response stakes. I still shed a few quite tears as we watch.


Later we play chess 

They both beat me as is usual now ...they do so with utter glee...*chuckles*

We are battling high anxiety levels , especially with Owen at the moment..so it's a question of fitting in what we can , when we can. His self esteem is all over the place and it is a full time job trying to keep ahead of the game, make sure Sam gets the attention he needs and that things don't completely decend into chaos.

We attempted and failed at various activities this week, due to the above. We did however manage to play games together, watch wildlife programmes and go to jujitsu . 

Off we go to a friends house to play for the afternoon...the morning was hellish. The bottom line was Owen decided his friend was going to die, because said friend had swallowed some gum..he had it in his head that death was imminent ..it was a long conversation, it took awhile to get there and before we did he had three meltdowns that I couldn't fathom...and breathe.

Once in the car, calm and on the way, both children perked up and we had a fab afternoon catching up. On the way home Owen sang all the way back and Sam and I laughed at a workman breakdancing by the roadworks.

The next day we visited Nanny and Grandad and they children stayed there , whilst I went to my neuro appointment. The neuro wants to help more, as the team can see that my pain levels, attacks are coming thick and fast. Also during the night time again..I look and feel exhausted. I was shocked at how badly it's affecting me as I walked the short distance from my in laws to the hospital...I have to stop three times to rest and struggle with the noise and nausea.

We also did our annual trip to Donnington Fair. I held the coats, Blokey held me up..often..I was so poorly but glad I made it, as it's a family tradition in its 5th year and the children don ear defenders and love the rides. I am completely done in when we get home.

The next day I can't go to swimming, as I am still feeling really unwell..so Blokey takes the children on his own.

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