We go into town to get a present for a brthday and have lunch in the pub.
Another day..another pub lunch..well we are still on holiday. Some colouring and playing as we waited for our food.
Then much excitement as ready ourselves for Laser Quest. My clothes make me light up...not great when you want to be stealthy 😂
The team prepare for battle! GLadiators ready!!!!!!!!
Team Mum and Sam were the victors! Apparently, Owen and Blokeys guns 'weren't working properly'.
We kicked their butts!! Being fitter and 5 stone lighter then when we did this last...I was far more able to KILL!YOU !ALL!
Us doing the victory salute after laser quest.
The boys have a lazy morning at home playing games (them) and me making phone calls, appointments, cooking a roast lunch and doing chores ( doing adult is exhausting dontcha know).
After we scoffed the roast lunch, we headed over to Shugborough hall. The National Trust have now taken over the whole site and are making many changes. We noticed they have long horned cattle, rare breed sheep are being stocked and the pigs have gone. Apparently they are getting some Tamworth's in once work has finished round their new sties.
They had lots of pumpkins.
And some impressive seed heads.
We enjoyed the farm exhibition.
A new super hero?
Owen liked checking the animals bums to see how many babies they were carrying...
Understandably, Sam wouldn't partake..'GROSS'...so I can't see him having a career as a vet anytime soon.
The children spent quite a bit of time making the water wheel work.
And enjoyed looking all round the working processes of the mill.
An old cider press.
Blokey loved the firkin shed.
And we were impressed with the kitchen.
The clockwork spit roaster!
Then we walked round the grounds.
Up to Hadrian's Arch and admired the view.
The Chinese house in the formal gardens,
And finding the follies and monuments.
Spotting squirrels, buzzards, ducks and some magnificent trees.
Reading about how the river was re routed.
We got caught in the rain on the walk back and got to the car at closing time. It had been great visiting when the place was quiet. They were filming a programme and we spotted Alan Titchmarsh and the film crew, they children were impressed with the crews drone and equiptment...Alan Titchmarsh less so.
At home we had a snacky meal and watched some anime and Penn and Teller ( a new favourite).
I went for an early walk and took my grown up camera with me.
We went to Hanley in the afternoon, as Owen wanted to go to Forbidden Planet, both boys found things to buy. Then we had an early dinner at Nandos, which they loved.
We were up and out early for swimming the next day, then stopped at the charity shop for some bargains. This included some jigsaw puzzles. Sam got stuck in straight away.
There was playing at the park and more Penn and Teller Fool Us later.
Over the weekend the boys alternated between playing indoors with their friends and out at the park. We watched The Tick and some more Penn and Teller .