Monday, 21 November 2016

Tex Mex, Fantastic Beasts and writing...a new friend.

I woke up very early, one million things going round my head..worries, fears and a whole load of stupid things I really shouldn't give headspace to. Knowing lying there wouldn't help,  I got up and did my workout routine.

The boys were very excited because they have been dying to see this..and today was the day..we were travelling to see it at the nearest IMAX cinema, in glorious 3D.

Here are all the menfolk, kitted out in glasses and waiting for the film to start. It's a bit Reservoir Dogs..
Mr Fidgit, Mr Bloke and Mr Intense...not sure what that makes me..*cough*.. Mrs Vague?

Before the film we had a meal at Chimichangas ..this was initially...erm...let's say problematic..because the boys thought they were going to a new menu caused a bit of shouting and Mrs Vague had to go to the toilets to practice her calm Mum voice and breathe...I was then able to deal with the meltdowns and we went on to have a very successful meal. 

We absolutely loved the was incredibly loud and if it had been something less engaging I doubt the boys would have coped. We will definitely need to see it over and over, because it was so visually interesting. Sam thinks it's one of the best films he's seen....or as good as 'The Harry Potter films.' Praise indeed!

We did some maths..Sam first

Owen got his next certificate.

They read some books a friend sent. They are quite beautiful..Dragonology.

We watched a true story film and talked about some of the issues it raised.
After lunch Owen decided to play online with his friend, Sam wanted to vacuum , so he did helps keep him calm.

We had a walk then Sam and Owen chilled out until their ju-jitsu lesson.

I was up at 6 am with Blokey but the boys didn't surface until gone 10 am! We decided as we were all tired, to change our plans and read, make videos, do some art work. We also watched a Harry Potter film in the afternoon.

Sam tried out this cursive writing app.

And worked on a new app for drawing, which he enjoyed immensely .

Sam did more maths.

Then he wrote in his note book.

Owen and I faffed around trying to sort something out on the iPads, then he did some maths.

And we tried some free writing...but he found it hard to think of things to I shouted random words at him .
Owen: another word Mum!
So he could either write the word I shouted or use it as a mental prompt. We set the timer to 7 mins.

He then read back what he could..this helped him understand how letter formation helps the reader. It was quite a revelation to him, that he couldn't read some of his own words. Normally he gets me to read them out..which makes him angry. He believes I am getting them wrong to annoy him, so switching the onus onto him, took a lot of the pressure off and enabled him to understand on his own what I have explained previously. 

Owen always feels frustrated and ready to give up on writing with a pen, but today he announced 'I want to do more' and set the timer again. I encouraged him to set it lower and then we would have time to look at letter formation afterwards. He agreed willingly.

His next list was clearer and there was only one word he couldn't read back. So I next showed him the cursive app Sam and I have been using.

As Owen struggles with lower case letters more, I suggested we try that section first. It did confuse him initially that the letters looked different, but I showed him it was because we were going to be joining them up, and the joins were the extra bits. I saw a little light bulb come on when I demonstrated and explained he may find cursive easier because the letters flowed together more. Also that it may help the process become more automatic to him in time and less taxing to think about each individual letter. He nodded and we made a start.

Afterwards I showed him the cursive word app and this cemented what I had explained. I mentioned that everyone has their own style of writing and this was to help him develop his.

When he used the app, the process made more sense to him.

Owen now understood why the letter 'b' was easier if started in the way he was shown. I have noticed with both boys,  that they start a lot of letters in ways that make it more awkward for them. So I am hoping this app will help them make their writing a smoother process. 

Blokey is using up his holidays before the end of the year, his company's year end is December , so it's a question of use or lose. It's nice that he won't work a full week till next year, and good timing because I am not feeling too brilliant....We start the day with a trip to the GP surgery for me. 

On our return we take a child each ( I have Sam) and work through Maths and do some cursive writing practice. There are some objections because the children associate Blokey being off with weekends and free play.

Blokey works with Owen , which is good because his method of explaining things often resonates well with Owen...they think in similar ways.

Sam works on various methods of distraction, then manages to move forward with his maths.

Next we worked on cursive writing.

I also played Wordfued with Sam inbetween chores.

Blokey also played games with the boys whilst I tacked paperwork and laundry.

Today the boys played in the crisp sunshine with their friends at the park. Then they played inside with each other. Later on we all played video games and Wordfued.

The next day we did the shopping and got some Christmas supplies. In the afternoon our friends came over with their older son. The children can't remember meeting Jack before because they were only toddlers last time they saw him. He is such a great lad and they all had a brilliant time playing together...the grown ups drank coffee, put the world to rights and shared cake.

Afterwards when our friends left , we played Wordfued and ordered pizzas.

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