Monday, 1 August 2016

New friends, new skills, Westport Lake, St Chads, Bogget Hole and swimming.

Our dog Piggle is a little better today but we still aren't happy with the way she looks, so I make an appointment for the vet to see her later in the day.

Sam and Owen work on their maths skills.

Owen and I do some exercises and more sessions to help with his writing technique.

Their friends call round and Owen goes off to the park to play. Sam is trying to work out Linux in his PC and is too engrossed to go out till later. 

There are more games of chess with Blokey before bedtime, then the children fall asleep remarkable quickly, tuckered out after all the fresh air.

Today we waited for the phone to ring. The vets did a blood test for Piggle to try and find out why she has slumped so badly, they are looking to see if she has renal issues. She is still incredibly tired and is difficult to move once settled. Her colitis is gone and so is the swelling in her tummy thankfully. I suspect being an old girl, the colitis has really knocked her for 6 , along with the Rae reaction to the medication and maybe taken its toll.

After the shopping is done I help Sam with his maths. By this point Owen comes down and we work together on Easimaths as we chat. We are doing quick relaxed activities at the moment to allow them time to play with the local children at the park during the holidays.

Next Owen and I do his coordination exercises and practice his pen holding techniques. He's getting better and now has more idea about holding the pen correctly. His muscles are still weak in his hands but he is gaining confidence.

Next we take care of Orel the giant snail and pick some beetroot and chard from the garden.

Piggle is still a bit wiped out but is definitely improving day by day.

We did more maths.

Finish watching the Battlefield discovery series. This has been pretty interesting, not just because of the finds and war history behind them but the ethics and manner in which the digs are being made. I explain to the children how there was a lot of controversy over the programme and the methods used to excavate the artifacts. I must try and show them some Time Team programmes, so we can compare how things are done.

We went to Westport Lake to meet up with our friends who are Pokemon Go wizards. We had a great time walking and exploring . The boys really liked this graffiti we came across too.

We found some wild raspberries .

Dodging the heavy showers we still managed to walk a few miles.

We visited the Shire Gallery, they had a beach themed exhibition on that we all loved.

Earthenware sardine tins 

We all loved these pewter and glass pieces .

We then walked round Stafford centre car hung Pokemon and discovering places we never knew about in the town.

St Chads Church was open and as I have always wanted to look inside we nipped in. Wow! A kind gentleman showed us round and explained many interesting facts about the church and its history.

We were all fascinated with the carvings and our tour guide explained they dated back to the 12th century and little is known about them. We took guesses at what we thought they were. And the boys hunted for the dragon carvings.

One of the 15 Dragon carvings

We then went for lunch before heading to the shops so Sam could spend more of this birthday money.
After we had got home he children played in the park.

The next day we went over to Mancester to visit a friend, then did some Pokemon hunting in the park behind her house 'Bogget Hole ' . 

We enjoyed walking her dog Mika on the way.

As Blokey is now on holiday we have started our staycation. Kicking off with a late breakfast in Stone and some more Pokemon hunting.

Owen enjoyed a massive hotdog.

Sam had chicken and a huge chocolate milkshake, which he declared was the 'best I have ever had!'

We did a bit of shopping  then went to the children's last swimming lesson. Later I prepared a BBQ meal whilst the children played at the park.

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