We were up early on Tuesday to set off for the boys regular appointment at the children's hospital. For the first time ever we managed to get there in good time as the traffic wasn't as awful as usual. This meant we had time to wander round Birmingham before we went to our appointment. The children enjoy looking at the architecture and particularly love the Victorian buildings.
Their appointment went well and the consultant is happy with their progress. She wants us to try reducing one of their meds again. Sam got very upset about this as he is still anxious about getting ill, especially after a relapse early this year left him poorly for 12 weeks. We had to work hard to keep him calm , he's still not happy about it but he said he will give it a go.
The next day all of us are feeling a bit wiped out. Travelling, the stress of the hospital visit, a busy city centre and their normal jujitsu class have stretched the boys capacity. I am not great myself so decide an easier day than the one I had planned would suit us best.
We did some maths
Played outside at the park and online with friends on our own server. Sam got a fit band and we did two miles walking together.
Owen has been enjoying researching DC and Marel comic facts, he also likes the Easter Eggs that can be found in the films. So he spent a while testing Blokey on which ones he knew.
It's been a funny old week and I haven't had time to write much about it. We managed to secure a mini bus, which will will turn into a camper van. It's a much more affordable prospect for us right now and frankly the campers we could afford needed a silly amount of work. More about that another time.
Sam developed a cough within three days of his asthma meds being reduced, so he's been up and down. Owen is having issues with some of the local children which is stressing him out and he's needed me there to help him. He has got some nice friends but there are a few others who love to goad him he hasn't quite got the skills to sort it out yet.
Next week we get married so I am flying around organising all things mini bus wise and wedding wise..not that there's a lot wedding wise but I am flapping a bit.
So the blog will take a back seat for a week or so to allow me to short everyone out with me adding the odd thing here and there.
The children played with friends.