The children are improving with their chess skills but still get frustrated if they lose.
Sam did some more work on Tynker.
I find the amount of code boggling.
He got a bit stuck at one point so watched a tutorial to try and work out where he had gone wrong. He tells me he is programming a Spleef (?) game.
He then practiced his writing and attempted a bit of cursive work.
Owen wanted to do some colouring work.
After which he worked on some maths with me, using the RM maths disk. We have had this disc since reception class. It doesn't set the world on fire with excitement, but it's a useful tool to pinpoint skill gaps. Owen enjoyed it today but there is no way I would make them do it too regularly's incredibly dry.
Owen wants get better at his writing and I have been looking at different ways to support him with this.
We did a 10 mins exercise to see what he wants to work on.
His poor hands were hurting 5 mins in, so we have looked at excercises to build his muscle tone in his wrists and arms. There are a few options and he says he really wants to have a go and 'you will make it fun, so I am ok with it' . When the things I have ordered come we can make a start.
He is making me laugh with funny faces now.
Afterwards he did some maths on the PC and did really well.
Sam followed on and then watched me working on improving my maths..with handy hints đŸ˜‰ along the way for me.
In the afternoon we did excercises , both played with friends online and Owen had a stint on his Xbox.
When Blokey came home Sam decided to try our curry, so a new food was enjoyed...he had seconds.
Afterwards Owen had a shower and relaxed under his weighted blanket, Sam and Blokey played chess. It's becoming a regular thing for them both to do and Sam is improving and the games are getting longer.
We made a card for a friend in the morning. Please note our tiling behind the boys, we are very happy with it!
RM maths work again today. Sam was keen to get was 7:30 am and despite feeling ill with his asthma/a cold, he cracked on with his work and was pleased to get 100%.
Sam is working on improving his chess moves so he can beat Blokey, so Sussex out some apps to use on his iPad.
Owen read his book Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cabin fever..he's read it before but really enjoys reading many books over and over. When he finished the book he watched a documentary about Africa.
Then he does some maths on our RM programme.
Watching the children use this programme I am struck at how much more they are absorbing , so decide to check out if the company have developed the concept into a more up to date format.
I get the boys to come and help me review the examples on their website and they are keen to give it a go. I notice they have a 30 day money back guarantee if you don't like the software, so we sign up.
We should have everything set up by tomorrow to try it out.
Sadly as Sam is coughing so much I decide to cancel our plans with friends tomorrow. It's disappointing but as the other family have asthma too, I wouldn't want to risk sharing Sam's germs with their children.
So a change of plan today, Sam had a rough night so only surfaced at 9 am. Owen is finding life difficult and I have had to seriously engage all my negotiating skills so far. I am exhausted but at least I have a neuro appointment later with my lovely Consultant. I know I have few , if any treatment options left. Some are just not viable with having two children to care for..but I can hope he suggests something I haven't had, that manages the pain and attacks better.
We start by making pancakes then drawing.
This is Bob.
Owen was struggling to manage his outbursts but eventually settled to some maths work using RM.
At this point Sam joined us and despite the constant coughing , manages to devour two pancakes and watches Owen as he works through the lesson.
We then watched another documentary in the series about Africa...with this rather scary looking bird.
Working on multiplication.
Our new format RM maths application was set up today. There were tonnes of glitches and I couldn't log us into the activities...many emails flew around until it was time for me to leave for the hospital.
Blokey took the boys to a park and they enjoyed Pokemon GO and some food from the takeaway.
My neurologist spent nearly an hour with me in an after hours clinic . I have some decisions to make but the children were incredibly understanding about the long wait. Basically I have run out of options locally but he has suggested I see the top specialist at Kings in London...lots to think about.
The next day RM Maths was up and running and Owen enjoyed playing on the app over breakfast. We then headed out to the reptile shop for a fundraising day. We also wanted to work out the cost of the kit we needed for a giant millepede, which is what Owen wants for his birthday.
We met some very interesting animals whilst there. Here are some but there were others we didn't get photos of.
Since the little play area has opened round the corner from our house, Owen has been testing out meeting people on his own. I find this slightly terrifying and admirable at the same time. He's trying his independence and keeps checking in with me every 20 mins. I am fighting the urge to lurk ..the urge is strong but I know it's a big step he needs to take. Only experience will tell us if he's ready . *bites nails*.
Had some confusing interactions with a couple of children teasing him and came back to talk this through with me. He has never been able to walk away from situations with conflict before, so is maturing.
The next day he and Sam played at the park and Owen popped over there constantly, still coming back for a chat if he got overwhelmed by anything. He rode his bike and felt more comfortable because Blokey and I were working in the garden nearby.
In the afternoon they attended their swimming lessons with Gemma at GUST and then Sam played chess with his dad ..Owen was back off to the park..but called back to tell me he was having a brilliant time.
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