Monday, 15 February 2016

Hama Time, Nana time, Birthdays and Banana bread time.

Sam is finally starting to sleep, he has to continue his medication regime this week but his peak flow is starting to finally come back up. 

Blokey and I get up to open my birthday presents and Sam watches gleefully. Owen didn't get to sleep till late because of his cold, so we leave him to sleep on.

Sam decides to play our fraction game after breakfast and we try the next level of the game, which means we have to work out equivalent fractions mentally. He's initially nervous but after helping him with the first few and a little encouragement, he realises he knows how to do it. We play several rounds, with him getting more and more confident each time.

He realises we haven't played our History game for a while, so finds the Inventions version and we use that.

The fact we have been visiting and watching so much about Victorian History lately , means he has a good idea of where to place some of his inventions. 

We finish with some games of UNO and he's a bit miffed when I win 3 games in a row, so we continue to play until he manages to beat me. 'You had your lucky pants on today Mum!'.

Owen is now in the land of the living and surveys the table full of activities as he is eating his breakfast. We laugh about how old I am and he very politely tells me I don't look my age. *chuckle*. He works out how old I will be when he is 20 , which is the age he has recently decided he will be leaving home.

He would like to play timeline inventions too, and comments on how many inventions were made in Victorian times. We talk about how visiting places really helps with understanding history, 'and documentaries Mum!'. He beats me at all the games bar one.

We played fraction bingo next and just like Sam he wasn't sure he could do the next level. I reminded  him the working out on the first two and he remembered after that. We play a number of games and chuckle as  we go along , talking in Italian accents.

Following this we played some UNO and I won again...Owen reckons it's Birthday luck.

After this the children decide to watch the Hobbit.

We today start with some over ripe bananas and decide to make banana bread. Owen weighs out the ingredients for this recipe:

The finished bake...don't mind if I do.

Next it's Hama time..*cant touch this* . Owen quickly looks up a design and gets to work on his own whilst I clear the baking things away. I am pleased that Owen is finding his feet and able to be self motivated, we can go for 20 mins now before he needs input. He's methodically counting spaces and beads and has made a really good start before he needs help. I sort the colours ready for him, so he can concentrate on his design.

Checking the pattern design against his creation on the board.

The finished Spider-Man Art.

I nearly completely cocked the ironing up due to my head pain...I manage to salvage it and Owen was incredibly gracious about my near miss.

Sam is still not himself and changes his mind constantly about what he wants to do. He watches a wildlife programme whilst I help Owen, then gets in a panic about making a decision. After taking himself off to calm down, he settles on a money handling resource/game. He insists he needs the calculator, then completely abandons it in favour of mental maths. I see this quite often, he thinks he can't do something , then remembers he can and surprises himself. He beats me quickly on the first game, his mood lightens considerably and he decides to play some more.

He wins again and is very happy now.

Sam wants to play Scrabble but it's nearly lunchtime, so I negotiate that we will start and take a break when lunch is ready. Just as well because it turns into a very long game. 

He beats me by 4 points on his last turn..he is triumphant! By this point I am not even sure how to spell  4 letter words , my head is in a right muddle because my pain levels are very bad. I can't seem to get my Gammacore unit to work properly but I am not even sure if it's me or the machine playing up. Turns out it was me, just too many attacks to cope with today and I am mildly hysterical by the time I get to bed.

It's jujitsu class tonight but I am not sure whether to let Sam go or not. He's keen but I am wondering whether another week off maybe prudent. In the end they both decide to go and have a great time. Sam was very tired and a bit grumpy when he got home, so we got them both to bed ASAP.

Sam gets upset about taking his medication this morning, so I explain the importance of taking the full course to try and prevent his cough from returning. I doubt I will get him to manage the antibiotics tomorrow but I will try.

He cheers up when we play Timeline, today he chooses the mixed version , he particularly likes the Bee card. We debate how scientists know bees have been around for such a long time, plus how important bees are to the survival of the human race.

Owen arrives and asks if he can play the in the next game, he munches his breakfast as we go.

Both boys are keen to do some Hama bead crafts again today, so we plan their design ideas.

Sam makes a ' Flowey' from he is..we laugh at how I am taking a picture of him taking a photo.

He's very pleased with the finished piece .

Owen wants to make a character from the same game called Papyrus but on looking we find we don't have enough red beads. He decides to choose an emoji design instead and wait until the bead order we made yesterday arrives.

The finished piece .

They ask me to take a picture of both their work together.

After this the boys ask if they can help with any laundry and we strip the spare bed together. Owen explains to Sam how he uses the washing machine.

We play some UNO before bedtime and I explain to the children that I have a busy day tomorrow. We are going away for my 50th, so I need to sort everyone's things out and arrange the house for the dog sitters ( Blokeys parents). The boys are staying at my parents for a couple of nights, so I make lists regarding medications and another list for myself so I don't forget the copious amounts of stuff the boys need to feel settled whilst away.

Despite the warning that I will be busy, the boys are adamant they want to do Hama bead designs again today. We also write a birthday card for Grandad and wrap his present to take with us.

Sam makes an Alphys.

His finished piece 

After much deliberation Owen. Settles on this design..a 'Napstablook' which would have been quite quick, if I hadn't dropped it when I picked it up to iron the beads. *doh*.

Owen and Sam try to talk me into more work but I explained I had to get on with the packing etc.

In the morning I come down to a little note from Sam.

We drop the children off at my parents for a couple of nights. I am sent regular updates about what they are doing. This includes Scrabble, Wordfued, Timeline history game and a session at the swimming baths. Sam does more writing to show his Grand parents how he is getting better at this skill.

Meanwhile Blokey and I are relaxing, swimming visiting the cathedral and getting engaged.

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