I had another rough night and my head pain is proving hard to get under control. I managed to get up early and do some yoga to free my shoulder and neck off. After a quick tidy round the children started to surface. We chatted over breakfast and decided to visit the Library. It's lovely and sunny , which hurts my eyes, but I don sunglasses and carry on regardless.
As usually we grab a fair stash of books..a massive bag full. It's half term here and the library is much noiser than usual, Sam and Owen tell me they are struggling, but I am proud they manage to hold on and get through the disturbances ok. The librarian asks them if they are enjoying the holidays and they explain they are home educated. They proceed to tell her that 'everyday is a holiday' and 'we never do any work, just watch films and play games'. She smiles at me and I joke that 'I take no interest in their education at all' , she chuckles back, points to the huge mountain of books and says 'I can see that'.
In the evening they go to jujitsu and are shocked when only one other boy turns up..I explain its half term, so people will be on holiday. Even so they have a great time.
The boys wanted to make their swimming tutor some birthday cards. As the swimming schools colours are orange and blue, they pick that theme. They wanted sea horses and puffer fish, 'to represent our levels of swimming' ..*chuckles*
I draw the fish and we cut them out and assemble the pictures on his cards. They add some bling and have fun with the googly eyes.
There's some very hard work put in on the writing inside.
I am told to put them safe till Thursday's lesson..I will be dead meat if I forget to take them!
We spend some time in the garden later check our plants, count more bees for the survey and have a very raucous water fight...the utility room is full of wet clothes afterwards and the boys in the bath together...so the bathroom floor was also cleaned..*ahem*.
Since the googly eyes were out, we decide to make some silly videos ..it's was hilarious..but you had to be there !
Apparently this is Sam's 'all seeing eye'.
We did the upside down alien chin thing...the boys had never seen this before and rolled on the floor laughing when I showed them the videos of themselves.
We head off in the afternoon to catch up with our friends. I get to chat with the adults whilst all the children are either inside or in the garden. It's always good to see everyone at this get together and the children are all in excellent form and keep us laughing.
Next day the sun is out again. We decide to make our Father's Day cards. Owens is on the left, Sam's the right. You have to pull the tongue to get the ears to pop up.
Owen also asked em to help him draw a cartoon character from his library book, so I do a demo and he studiously follows.
He was really happy with the second try.
I liked how he was more willing to make this one his own and change the nose and legs. He gave himself 8/10. It's so great he wanted to do this, as he lacks confidence with a pen..it's never really goes where he expects it too..but this was a real achievement and I tell him I like his quirky style...I must remember to show him some of Quentin Blakes work one day.
We have time for a quick lunch, then off to swimming..
The boys give Rob his cards and he seems really pleased with them and the boys are proud of their work. Let's gloss over the fact we were almost late because I had to dash back and get the cards ...yes let's.
The certificates were waiting for them too..and some lovely badges.
Apparently this is his 'serious swimming face'.
We get home and I make some bread , whilst doing so I get a message from a friend telling me she is coming to stay the night. We weren't sure if she was going to make it , so it's a lovely surprise. Whilst we are waiting I potter around the garden and *somehow* another massive water fight ensues. This involves me, Owen and two local children. I *may* have been found standing on a bench picking them off sniper style with a high powered water blaster. So I was a bit wet when my friend arrived .We order pizza for our evening meal and sit chatting.
A quiet day followed a late night ..we all potter about, Blokey nips to the shop and we have a BBQ outside in the evening....and another water fight. My friend brought lots of things for the boys to try out, including a large catapult for firing water balloons. There was much giggling but sadly I didn't get any photos because I was *dodging bullets*.
The next day the menfolk go swimming. I am feeling delicate so I settle for some time alone and do my yoga. There's some gardening done and we pick salad from the garden to go with our evening meal.