Monday, 28 March 2016

Nanny and Grandads house of cards. Nines, Dots, chess, animals and gardening.

First thing Bank Holiday Monday and Owen wants to go and buy a PC controller he has been saving for. Blokey takes him to the shop whilst I coax Sam out of bed. Sam decides to do some chores after breakfast. We will gloss over the fact that it was like plaiting fog, trying to get Sam to take his meds and do his breakfast routine. He's in human pinball mode and is ricochetting off the sides of the house.

Eventually he decides on how he will earn some extra pocket money, but when he turns the vacuum on , it makes an unexpected loud whistling noise. This sends him into a complete panic and he lies on the rug with his hands over his ears, crying and in distress. This in turn makes our youngest dog go in hyper vigilance mode, because he believes we are under attack. By the time Blokey and Owen get home things look perfectly calm, Sam has done his chores, the dogs are asleep but I am still feeling more than ragged around the edges. My steroid course isn't making the stress any easier to deal with...*swallows loudly*.

We decide to go and visit my parents in the afternoon to give us all a change of scene. It's also an opportunity to take the 'new to us' car out for a spin to Shrewsbury. The children have a lovely time at my parents and Blokey and I get an hour alone at the shops as a little break and to buy some household stuff. The last 7 days have felt particularly tough for the children. Later, back home we have family board game time and the boys tell us they have had a great day.

Sam is enjoying playing 2 Dots again, he is working though the levels and asks me for some tips. This is a great planning and strategy game on the iPad.

I didn't get much sleep, about 3 hours, so instead of feeling miffed about it, I decide to use the extra time to keep busy. While the boys sleep I bake and cook. Spinach tortillas , a smokey Mexican sauce, bread rolls and pancakes, all in the hope I can tempt Owen to eat breakfast. He hasn't had much of an appetite recently because his anxiety has been problematic. 

When the boys come down they eat breakfast and tease each other relentlessly. Somehow we manage to get through it but I was grumpy and things were spilt, knocked over in the free for all.

Owen decides he wants to try a new number game:

We attempted this last year but found the rules unfathomable. I decide to set up an example and we both realise how it works better. First of all I just get Owen used to working with the tiles and number rules. We have a few attempts and he starts to pull it together. Finally we were able to play against each other, it's actually quite good once you grasp the principle, so we are both pleased we managed to crack the directions at last.

Sam wanted to play a few games of Chess next ..he beat me as usual but is still finding the Knights moves hard to remember.

Next he asks me to help him with his Dots game.

The boys were excited to get out of the house early today. It was Animal Lady day, organised by the NSAAA.
It was frenetic but they loved the experience.

A Skink

Ball Python 

Sam touched all the animals too..he loves wild life but is usually scared he may harm something if he handles it incorrectly. He managed onto over come that fear today and really get the most out of the experience.


This was SO heavy!

We all fell in love with the Chinchillas

The Bearded Dragon was very prickly, 'even underneath mum!'

We got so see some of our friends too.

Sticky tree frogs.

The Skink fell asleep on Owen.

More tree frogs, doing what tree frogs do...

Back home we played games, then the boys sat in the kitchen chatting happily with me and showing me what they were doing on theirs iPads whilst I baked and stocked up the freezer. I finish my course of steroids in 10 days and I expect I may crash, so I am making sure we have healthy, quick meal options if I am too tired to cook next week.

We made bread too.

Owen asked me to dye his hair,

Despite 3 attempts we couldn't get it to show up very bright on his hair.

We looked at a mad scientist who lives on a house boat today. She makes crazy ( often useless) inventions. There was much laughter .

Sam talked about an experiment, a circuit system, that he wants to build in Minecraft, using Redstone. He explained what he thought the possible outcomes would be. Owen read some of his books.
Sam discussed his favourite animals and danced round the table.

We took a lot of deliveries and later attended our swimming lesson with the lovely Rob. I feel rough as anything and have had little sleep all I prepared tea, played a little with the boys and stared vacantly into the abyss of pain and confusion.

Another rough night for me but the children were happy and raring to go. Blokey is home so we decide to go into town and drop some items off at the charity shop. After buying a few items and Owen spending his pocket money, we head back, stopping off at the next village to ours to visit the library and have a meal. It's been a lovely morning and we arrive home happy and with full bellies. 

Owen asked me to spray one of the hair colours he'd bought. He looked cool with the black..we still have red and blue to try out.

After a brief rest Blokey and I decide to do some garden work. We have a ton of chippings to landscape the garden with. I can only do light work , so help with clearing, weeding etc. Sam is very keen to join in so I show him how to help his Dad. They worked SO hard, Sam kept checking if he was doing things how we wanted. It looked really good out the front in the beds, we need another ton for the side beds under our trees, but I need to order it for when Blokey has his rota days off again.

After a few hours we had finished as much as we could do and I put a very achy, dirty, happy, boy into a warm bath.

I had a bad night again, so feeling pretty rough today. Blokey and Owen popped out to exchange some games but Sam wanted to do some research into video editing software. He's saved up enough by doing extra work around the house this week ( life skills) but is taking his time before he spends his money. As Sam has had a lot of difficulty with impulsivity we are enjoupying watching him be more thoughtful about his decisions. Letting him make some mistakes and not so great purchases seems to have paid off and he's realised he needs to think carefully about what he needs.

I bake some gluten free pizza and a loaf whilst they are all busy.

Blokey has psoriasis, both Owen and I have eczema , mine and Blokeys skin conditions are quite bad at the moment. I have heard that a gluten can aggravate it but I have never found a GF recipe for bread that anyone will eat here. This recipe worked well and all the pizza was demolished ..I am feeling hopeful.

Today Sam spent a lot more time researching editing software he's still not decided which one is best for him so will see if he can try some demos first. 

Monday, 21 March 2016

Intuitive thinking, Trentham in the Spring, how things are made, swimming , jujitsu and family time.

We give our new intuitive thinking game a trial was loud, raucous and a little fraught in places. Definitely a good choice all round and harder than it first appears. The dog wasn't impressed with all the slapping of paddles.

Owen requested to be left out of the photo , so we are respecting his wishes ;-)

Despite it being a bit grey outside, we decided to head to Trentham Gardens, to spot new signs of Spring arriving.

There were groups of bulbs.

The lesser spotted menfolk ( sings the Indiana Jones theme tune)

Displays coming through.

Signs that the season is changing

A surprise Sam

And we did PE at the park.

The boys beat us round the can see them escaping...

We admired the vista

And enjoyed the Daffodils

Owen headed for his favourite vantage point and shouted down all the things he could see.

Sam struck a heroic pose on top of the climbing wall.

We played cards, waiting for our lunch..( mental maths..shhh, don't tell them) 

And Owen got incredibly excited about his treat...

We visited the Sensory Garden

Today it's the boys dental check up. I have done everything I can to prepare them for it but Sam is still very anxious about it. We talk through how I can support him best over breakfast. He decided to work on his science app, using various elements to construct a virtual volcanoes. He likes to add different temperatures and rocks to see how it alters the structure of the eruptions and shouts 'magma!' And 'Krakatoa!'.

Owen and I found a link for a science channel and watched how they made things. So far we have watched an Atom S3 being assembled, whoopie  pies and balloons. 

Owen has expressed an interest in trying some new fruit. He wants to make some smoothies, so I suggest we call in at the shop after our dental appointment.

Poor Sam he really struggled at the dentist. The new chap was really gentle with him and valiantly ignored the large amount of involuntary , nervous noises emanating from the boy. There was quite a bit of negotiating to get Sam in the chair, then he made copious sheep like bleating noises. Inbetween trying to get the dentist to agree not to actually touch his mouth...or look inside. We managed and thankfully dental hygiene is good, no cavities and we talked about Sam's known issues. He is unlucky to have developed an problem with the coating on his teeth, it's just bad luck but we need to be vigilant. The dentist says he will introduce a coating slowly to Sam's teeth and I was relieved he is taking a softly, softly approach.

Owen climbed into the chair like a pro and thankfully has no issues at all. Sam was very vocal on the way out about it all poor chap, but I keep explaining why we have to do this and how it will help in the long run. I feel so sad it's this hard for him too deal with.

We pop across to the co-op and the children choose some new fruits and veg to try. They are both really helpful and we enjoy having a mooch round , they also decide to try some coconut water in their smoothies.

Back home Sam needs to calm himself. Owen is very keen to make a drink straight away, so he chooses his ingredients. Lemon zest, watermelon, apple, cucumber and coconut water..4 new things he hasn't had before.

He tries it and asks to have the rest with his lunch...I am not sure he will drink it all but it's very positive he was willing to give the ingredients a go. I think it's delicious , so will be more than happy to finish it off.

Here he is worshiping the almighty smoothie:

True to form he refuses to drink it over lunch, so I polish his off.

It was jujitsu class later and the boys were extra excited to go, because they now possess the highest grade in their group. At the class Sensei Reece was telling them how proud he was of their achievements and how hard they have worked since the started 4 years ago. If someone had suggested the boys would rarely miss a days session and ask to do extra classes,  I would have been sceptical. It's a testament to their hard work and the fabulous support of their lovely Sensei , that they have achieved so much over this time.

By bedtime, nerves and anxiety were really showing today, there were a few blow ups and tears but we managed to settle two very tired boys to sleep eventually despite it. I have been quite poorly today myself , with the neuro issues and side effects from my we all felt glad to be in our beds.

The next morning Owen looks at the new resources I bought and chooses to do some modelling. It's really quite tricky but he works hard. First he mixes the clay to make the colours he needs for his Rhino. He studies the handy chart enclosed and copies the instructions.

I have to guide him methodically through the processes , as his executive function issues can make this hard for him.

At first he worries that his shapes don't look exactly like the diagrams and the perfectionist in him causes anxiety. I explain that each one will look slightly different and he manages to overcome his concerns and finish the model .....

When it's finished his is genuinely pleased with his work.

We set up a little photo shoot and then leave the model to air dry.

This was a brilliant activity for him because the clay was soft, light and fragranced. This meant we could build on his co-ordination, create a sensory experience, help with 3D perception, work through processing and executive functioning as well as have a fun creative experience. Of course the science bit is for me really, he just had fun making stuff ...but that's a good thing.

We also looked at how the human face develops in the womb:

Sam decided he wanted to play Buy it Right. This uses sequencing and money skills as well as helping executive functioning. Once's just a great, fun way for Sam to use maths and money handling skills. 

He used various methods to work out his change and payments. I enjoyed watching him gain enough confidence to do some banking too, which was a skill he has shied away from in the past.

After we had finished our game , he noticed the new puzzle story book I had bought and asked if we could work on it together.

In each page the story progresses as you solve clues and puzzles. There were different codes to crack and lateral thinking skills. We also have to read a map and follow directions. He was engrossed and really enjoyed the activity. After a while we decided to take a break and he asked me to check his reading skills. It always surprises me how much the boys progress with this. They are given free rein with reading and although Sam was a late bloomer, he is now an avid and accomplished reader. Thank you J K Rowling.

The boys and Blokey did some weight training tonight whilst I had a long soak in the bath. I am struggling with my pain levels , so it was nice to try and relax. I don't know what they were doing but the next day, despite and early night, both boys slept past 9am. I took the opportunity to do some baking.

The children did some reading and Sam and I looked at a strategy game for his iPad. Sam also did his daily puzzle challenge on his science application and a bit more weight training with our kettle bells. 

Owen is really struggling today and it was hard to get him to eat or drink this morning. Thankfully I managed to get a good sized lunch into him before swimming lessons. 

It was so lovely to see the boys cheerfully waiting by the door for swimming. Their instructor is still on epic form and started to work on their leg coordination for breaststroke. In no time he had found ways to get their legs coordinated, then Rob brought in arm movements and timing. He explains it all so well and with such good humour. I am sure the boys would now be comfortable with me sitting in the cafe but I love watching how they are progressing and the bond they are forming with the instructor. Once more I find myself thanking our good fortune at having landed on such a great tutor. Owen asked if I could book an hours lesson but sadly funds can't stretch quite that far currently.

Today is Good Friday, sadly it doesn't get off to a good start and both boys are struggling with stress. We stay home in the morning till things are calmer, in the afternoon we go for a drive, let the children choose some chocolate treats and look at cars. On the way home we stop at the chip shop and eat them straight from the paper. It's takes time and lots of support to get them to sleep.

The next day Blokey and I start decorating the kitchen, this unnerves the boys but we manage to get quite a bit done. We pop back out in the rain to take a test drive in a car that we are keen on and after that go ahead and buy it. Owen came home then got very upset because he had a fall out with one of his friends online. He struggles to eat some of the roast dinner I have cooked but does manage a few bits and bobs of food off the table. Both boys seem to be in a constant flux of excitement and turmoil this week, not sure if it's Easter being upon us or just the general anxiety that can plague them at times. 

The boys played with friends, Owen research a PC controller he would like and Blokey and I did some gardening. After dinner we played our Uk geography board game .